The secret of our company lies in our team of experts with a wealth of experience in terms of e-commerce, trade facilitation and the halal landscape.

Leveraging on our team’s background, together, we have more than 100 years of experience in the IT industry, trade facilitation industries and e-commerce including the halal landscape. Our team have vast knowledge and experience in managing various local and international companies, and specialize in data harmonization and electronic data standard for trade facilitation and cross-border document exchange.

Our experts also have an in-depth knowledge of the formats and use of standard international trade, transport, financial and world customs organisations, and have profound knowledge on UN/EDIFACT standard, messages and processes for business data exchange.

In terms of experiences, various developments have been implemented throughout the years including delivering the Malaysian National Trade Network nationwide infrastructure, communications equipment and mission critical systems and applications as well as ensuring system capacity, availability and quality of the infrastructure. We have built an e-procurement system known as Supplier*Net and an electronic payment system for a large government-linked group of companies.

We all intend to plan ahead.

On other achievements, our team of experts were appointed various positions of different committee and associations. We were involved in various Task Forces and Community that developed the e-Commerce Framework for Trade Facilitation for the country. Amongst them were the Malaysian Logistic Council chaired by the Ministry of Transport, Trade Facilitation Action Committee chaired by the Ministry of International Trade & Industry and the Customs APEC Single Window for Trade Facilitation Council chaired by the Royal Malaysian Customs Department.

❝We were previously involved in national and international forums that relate to data standard on e-commerce and trade facilitation such as the Malaysia Data Harmonization Capacity Building Workshop, Technical Committee for e-Commerce (TC4), ASEAN Single Window Technical Working Group (ASW-TWG) and Data Harmonization Technical Working Group (TBG-17).❞