Many halal certifiers are recognised globally on their roles to provide halal certifications through stringent and comprehensive processes and approaches.

For products, services or premises which were granted with halal certified status by the relevant authorities, all data attributing the halal status shall be standardised and kept in secure, immutable blockchain platforms.

Product owners or ingredient suppliers shall be notified through an automatic generated reminder to renew their halal status based on the threshold set i.e. expiry date to avoid risk of losing their credibility as a halal eco-system player. Halal certificate can be revoked, renewed or retired following its expiry period.

The halal certification solution can be set to continuously improve its standard in assuring that product owners maintain their halal status starting from raw materials and ingredients up to finished goods. This is a critical component of the halal eco-system and governance around the globe.

This will also give a peace-of-mind to product owners knowing that their ingredient suppliers maintain their halal status and can be verified in the halal verification solution.